/I-cycled-as-fast-as-I-could-and-saw-that-the-driver-in-the-yellow-car-was-waiting-at-the-red-light.=["I", "cycled", "as", "fast", "as", "I", "could", "and", "saw", "that", "the", "driver", "in", "the", "yellow", "car", "was", "waiting", "at", "the", "red", "light", "."][{"i": 8, "s": [1, 7, 8], "r": "动词固定搭配", "e": [7, 8, 23], "d": {"poses": [0, 2], "piece_poses": [0, 1, 2]}}, {"i": 10, "s": [1], "r": "动词短语", "e": [2], "d": {"piece_poses": [0]}}, {"i": 12, "s": [2, 3, 4, 5], "r": "状语结构", "e": [3, 4, 5, 7], "d": {"poses": [1, 3], "piece_poses": [0, 1, 2, 3]}}, {"i": 23, "s": [8, 9, 10], "r": "动词固定搭配", "e": [9, 10, 23], "d": {"poses": [2], "piece_poses": [0, 1, 2]}}][{"s": 0, "r": 3, "e": 1, "t": 2}, {"s": 1, "r": 10, "e": 7, "t": 2}, {"s": 1, "r": 9, "e": 2, "t": 2}, {"s": 2, "r": 5, "e": 7, "t": 2}, {"s": 2, "r": 6, "e": 3, "t": 2}, {"s": 3, "r": 26, "e": 4, "t": 2}, {"s": 4, "r": 8, "e": 5, "t": 2}, {"s": 5, "r": 3, "e": 6, "t": 2}, {"s": 6, "r": 22, "e": 7, "t": 2}, {"s": 7, "r": 14, "e": 8, "t": 2}, {"s": 8, "r": 10, "e": 23, "t": 2}, {"s": 8, "r": 9, "e": 9, "t": 2}, {"s": 9, "r": 20, "e": 23, "t": 2}, {"s": 9, "r": 8, "e": 10, "t": 2}, {"s": 10, "r": 20, "e": 23, "t": 2}, {"s": 10, "r": 3, "e": 16, "t": 2}, {"s": 11, "r": 3, "e": 12, "t": 2}, {"s": 12, "r": 37, "e": 16, "t": 2}, {"s": 12, "r": 13, "e": 13, "t": 2}, {"s": 13, "r": 3, "e": 16, "t": 2}, {"s": 16, "r": 9, "e": 17, "t": 2}, {"s": 17, "r": 11, "e": 23, "t": 2}, {"s": 17, "r": 9, "e": 18, "t": 2}, {"s": 18, "r": 5, "e": 23, "t": 2}, {"s": 18, "r": 13, "e": 19, "t": 2}, {"s": 19, "r": 3, "e": 23, "t": 2}, {"s": 21, "r": 102, "e": 23, "t": 2}]{"pred": [1, 23, "并列谓语动词", "cycled as fast as I could and saw that the driver in the yellow car was waiting at the red light."], "subj": [0, 1, "主语", "I"], "comps": []}{"coos": [], "c": null, "e": 23, "subs": [{"coos": [], "c": 2, "e": 7, "subs": [], "s": 5, "r": "状语从句"}, {"coos": [], "c": 2, "e": 23, "subs": [], "s": 10, "r": "宾语从句"}], "s": 0, "r": "陈述句"}
sentence I cycled as fast as I could and saw that the driver in the yellow car was waiting at the red light. /I-cycled-as-fast-as-I-could-and-saw-that-the-driver-in-the-yellow-car-was-waiting-at-the-red-light.= 3726188d-8c37-4f77-a901-152a92a27fd9 1 1







